On the weekend I had to resist some of the strongest kidnapping urges I have felt to date.
I went to visit my old high school mate, Haylee, her husband Nans and their two daughters Elise and Charlotte, the tiniest little three week old who has inherited the size three million feet of her mother. My favourite part of the visit was when Elise was showing me around the house and took me to see Charlotte, who was sleeping soundly. “TOUCH IT, TOUCH IT” she ordered me, excitedly yelling some 5-10cm from Charlotte’s face, whilst hitting her sister on the stomach. Numerous times because I was obviously failing to follow instructions and needed to be shown how several times. The best bit about this is actually none of what I just told you. It is the fact that she was just doing the exact same thing to the robovac. Charlotte was firmly in the toy category. Also…how different second children’s lives are to their older siblings – can you imagine entering the house of a first born and seeing a scenario like this unfold? No… the parents would be flipping out. Second children are legends.
In between eating and drinking tea I got to “play” with the two kids. I sent the photos to Haylee and laughed a little too hard when she commented that “it was interesting to see what you and Elise got up to, moving around furniture, climbing on the benches… no wonder she wanted you to come back soon!” I assured her that I was actively supervising her.... through the lens….
Finally Charlotte was slept, fed and changed; ready for my photoshoot. The doorbell chimes and her cousins who live, literally, across the road, have come to day G'day. Hugh put himself to work drawing on the brand new walls whilst Clara gatecrashed my photoshoot and made it ten times more magical.
I love this family – they melt my heart.